Our Mission

The Tumbleweed Fund seeks to improve quality of life and the condition of our planet by funding grassroots organizations.

Sustainable Farming and Food Initiatives

TWF provides funds to help food security and farm and garden initiatives in Colorado, and beyond. Carbon sequestration, permaculture, community, opportunity, connection and healthy food are words that have impact. We strive to identify and help create opportunity for organizations that embody these words and values.

Socioeconomic and “Social” Issues

The term “Socioeconomic Issues” is a glossy and very encompassing phrase. Likewise, the range of issues the Tumbleweed Fund is involved with is very encompassing. We seek to find and work with organizations who have direct impact on those in need, period. We are happy to speak with organizations closest to the problem.

Motherhood, Parenting and Children

The creation of fulfilled, and happy adults starts on day one of life. Dear to our hearts are organizations that enable parents, communities, and caretakers to lift up children and to brighten their lives. Motherhood initiatives that provide adequate resources to those in need is a large part of the equation.

Environmentalism and Conservation

The planet is facing catastrophic change. Our relationship to Earth is improving as it is getting worse. On the front line are organizations who are seeking better ways of dealing with the human impact on environment, and improving the conditions of our home. We organizations that make our earth cleaner and conserve areas where humans learn to love and enjoy the great outdoors. Connection with nature is a critical step in developing care for our planet.